
Projekty »

Are you a SUPERTASTER? The Science behind the taste receptors

Projekt realizowany w trybie zdalnym (ONLINE)
:: Projekt UP (Szczegóły)
szkoła ponadpodstawowa, studenci
Forma prezentacji
prezentacja multimedialna
Nauki i sztuki
nauki biologiczne, nauki medyczne
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
Wydział Nauk o Zwierzętach i Biogospodarki
Edyta Kowalczuk-Vasilev
Wtorek 2021-09-21 11:00
Edycja zakończona
Idź do prezentacji on-line

We all know that the taste receptors on our tongue help us detect five basic tastes: bitter, sweet, sour, salty and umami, right? Hmm... but why are some of us more sensitive to flavors than others? Why do some of us like Brussels sprouts and black coffee and others don't?

Oh, and did you know that you also have taste receptors in your lungs, your digestive tract, your spine, your blood vessels, and many other organs? What can your pancreas or lungs "feel"? This workshop will show you what the physiology of taste is all about, why we need taste receptors and how we can use this knowledge!

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