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DISC communication model

Projekt realizowany w trybie zdalnym (ONLINE)
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szkoła ponadpodstawowa, studenci, rodzice, przedsiębiorca, samorządowiec, pracownik innej uczelni
Dla niepełnosprawnych
niepełnosprawnych ruchowo
Forma prezentacji
ćwiczenia, prezentacja multimedialna
podstawy przedsiębiorczości, wych. do życia w rodzinie
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii
dr Justyna Rynkiewicz
Czas trwania projektu: 1 godz. (45 min.)
Edycja zakończona
Poniedziałek 2021-09-20 18:00 - 19:00
Wolne miejsca: 23
Idź do prezentacji on-line

The DiSC® Model is a simple and useful tool, which classifies types of communication into four types:

  • Dominance – People who have both Outgoing and Task-oriented traits often exhibit DOMINANT and DIRECT behaviors. They usually focus on results, problem-solving, and the bottom-line.
  • Influence – People who have both Outgoing and People-oriented traits often exhibit INSPIRING and INTERACTIVE behaviors. They usually focus on interacting with people, having fun, and/or creating excitement.
  • Steadiness – People who have both Reserved and People-oriented traits often exhibit SUPPORTIVE and STEADY behaviors. They usually focus on preserving relationships and on creating or maintaining peace and harmony.
  • Conscientiousness – People  who have both Reserved and Task-oriented traits often exhibit CAUTIOUS and CAREFUL behaviors. They usually focus on facts, rules, and correctness.

DISC classifies people's by using two dimensions: the first one is: task versus people. The second one is: fast-paced versus moderate-paced.

Authors assure that DISC will help you to:
•    Have more time and energy for productive activity.
•    Fit between team members and roles;
•    Improve understanding of others.

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