
Projekty »

Mobile Apps Promoting Prayer, Bible Study and Religious Education

:: Projekt K (Szczegóły)
szkoła ponadpodstawowa, studenci, rodzice, przedsiębiorca, samorządowiec, pracownik innej uczelni
Dla niepełnosprawnych
niedowidzących, niedosłyszących, niepełnosprawnych ruchowo
Forma prezentacji
Nauki i sztuki
nauki o kulturze i religii
edukacja medialna, religia, technologia informacyjna
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Duszpasterstwo Akademickie
dr Adam Juchnowicz
Niedziela 2023-09-17 18:00
Edycja zakończona

The workshop is aimed at anyone who is English speaking and would be interested to get to know a number of Christian mobile apps and internet services promoting prayer, Bible study and religious education. We will showcase the main features and functionalities of selected applications, such as Pray as you go, Universalis,, DivineOffice, and  Verbum/Logos. Selected websites, and computer applications will be presented as well. The possession of a smartphone or tablet with internet access will be highly helpful, but not necessary for participation in the workshop. Be sure to join us for an excellent opportunity to increase awareness and skills regarding the wide range of available tools in this area. You will be able to test and choose apps and services most applicable to your needs. :)

It would be very helpful to have your own smartphone or tablet with internet connection, although it is not strictly speaking necessary, to take part.

Place: Main (old) building of KUL, room GG-34, ground floor, entrance just next to the academic church of KUL (Radziszewskiego 7). Further info: 513 518 868 or 797 907 780 (also through Whatsapp).

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