
Projekty »

Navigating the First 4 Years of Medical University - A Guide to Effective Study Strategies

Projekt realizowany w trybie zdalnym (ONLINE)
:: Projekt UM236 (Szczegóły)
szkoła ponadpodstawowa, studenci
Dla niepełnosprawnych
niedowidzących, niepełnosprawnych ruchowo, z innymi niepełnosprawnościami
Forma prezentacji
dyskusja, warsztat, wykład
Nauki i sztuki
nauki biologiczne, nauki medyczne, nauki o zdrowiu
biologia, język angielski, medycyna
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Wydział Nauk Medycznych
dr hab., prof. uczelni Jacek Baj (kierownik),
Matthew Kaczynski, Sakya Warnakula, Sheikh Nabeel Nazar, Adam Brachet, Anna Kogut, Nicole Kashouli, Ines Torne Pano, Hanna Tyc
Czas trwania projektu: 2 godz. (90 min.)
Edycja zakończona
Sobota 2023-09-23 16:00 - 18:00
Wolne miejsca: 199
Idź do prezentacji on-line

Navigating the First 4 Years of Medical University - A Guide to Effective Study Strategies


Are you a medical student looking to excel in your studies and lay a solid foundation for a successful career in medicine? Join us for a comprehensive virtual seminar where we will delve into the art of studying during the first four years of medical university. Our goal is to equip you with essential study strategies, time management techniques, and effective learning approaches to help you thrive in this demanding academic journey.


  1. Effective Time Management: Learn practical time management skills tailored to the rigorous demands of medical school. Discover how to strike a balance between academics, personal life, and self-care.
  2. Active Learning Techniques: Explore various active learning strategies that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and long-term retention. Discover how to make the most of lectures, textbooks, and digital resources.
  3. Mastering Anatomy and Physiology: Tackle the challenges of anatomy and physiology through visual aids, mnemonics, and interactive learning methods. We'll help you demystify complex concepts and embrace them with confidence.
  4. Optimizing Study Resources: Navigate the vast array of study resources available to medical students. Learn how to choose the most suitable textbooks, online platforms, and supplementary materials.
  5. Ace Your Exams: Develop effective exam preparation techniques, including creating personalized study schedules, mastering question banks, and tackling different types of exam formats.
  6. Mindfulness and Stress Management: Understand the importance of mental well-being in medical school and explore mindfulness and stress reduction techniques to maintain a healthy balance.
  7. Group Study Dynamics: Discover the benefits of group study and collaborative learning. Learn how to effectively study in groups, exchange knowledge, and support each other's academic progress.
  8. Clinical Skills Development: Prepare for the transition from pre-clinical to clinical years by honing your clinical skills, including patient communication, history taking, and physical examination.
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